Interesting Times

WoodsThere is an old blessing/curse: “May you live in interesting times.” This past week has certainly been “interesting.” As many of you already know, Jan and I have resigned from our work at Canyon View and we are moving on. The house is nearly empty now. There has been a flurry of packing and saying “Good bye” to dear friends. I wish we would have had time to visit everyone, but that just wasn’t possible.

If you have read my book, Changing Tacks: Lessons I’ve Learned from an Old Wooden Boat, you know about our amazing calling to minister in San Diego (Shameless plug but it’s available from and Barnes and Noble.) We were ready to work here forever, if that was God’s Will, but sometimes God drags us “kicking and screaming” someplace else.

The Apostle Paul loved nothing more than preaching and teaching and evangelizing for Jesus. That’s something every faithful minister understands. Paul would have continued walking around the world and doing what he loved, but God needed him to stop and write half the New Testament and the only way He could do that was by chaining him to a Roman guard. Think about it. God dragged Paul “kicking and screaming” into his most enduring ministry through what appeared to be something awful, so Jan and I are excited to discover what God has planned for us next. In the meantime we are moving back to Washington State, to our little cabin on a tiny island. There, while I am searching for a new pulpit, I plan to finish a couple of books I just haven’t had time to work on.

It’s hard to say good-bye, but we have received such an outpouring of love. I’d just like to share a few of them because they remind me why I became a minister in the first place:

Dear Jan & Jan,

We’re sad to hear that you are leaving San Diego, and we are so very grateful to have known you here. John, your sermons are grounded in truth and have helped us grow as Christians. Jan, your friendly face was always a comfort when we saw you. Your dedication to MOPS [Mothers Of PreSchoolers] is incredible too! The 2 of you have a heart for people that is so evident. Thank You for your ministry. Thank you for your hard work at Canyon View…


John and Jan

Thank you for your dedication to Canyon View and excellent teaching. You brought stability to the pulpit, when we really needed it.

A Former Elder

“… You two were extremely important in [our] lives. …  I know God brings us all together for reasons we may not know at the time, but I am sure that without your mentorship as a Christian couple, [my husband] would likely not yet be saved and we may not be married. …”

A Young Couple

John, when I first had the privilege to hear you preach at Canyon View Church of Christ, I felt as though I had been swept away across oceans and unknown lands, until I was sitting at the feet of Peter or Paul, or perhaps – Jesus. … You made me feel like I was right there. … I felt like the people around me at church had shared the movement of the Holy Spirit speaking to us through your sermon.

A Middle-Aged Couple

To J & J.

  • Sailed in
  • Sowed Wisdom, Love & Compassion
  • Sailed Out
  • Left behind great treasures

A Senior Saint

Dear John & Jan,

Words cannot express the sadness I feel at the thought of no longer having you near. Who do we call when we must visit the ER? Who will comfort us (as only you can) when tragedy strikes? Who can preach those intriguing sermons? 

A Senior Couple

John, Jan and Dixie,

When I started coming to Canyon View, the way you, John, spoke to me of God touched my soul and encouraged me to live a better life, in HIS light

A Young Mother

After reading just some of these letters, you might begin to understand why I love ministry so. Finally, most touching of all, were the coloring pages and the hugs the children gave us when we left. There will always be a place in my heart for Canyon View.

I will try to make regular posts and share pictures of the exciting journey we are beginning.


John & Jan McKeel

Our little cabin on Center Island, Washington
Our little cabin on Center Island, Washington


Welcome to CanyonView Church of Christ

If you’ve followed in the past, you’ll notice a huge change in the format. For nearly 10 years I’ve been posting articles and pictures and movies about my life and family. The site was mostly a way for friends and family to keep up with the adventures Jan and I were having. The webpage was mostly a “vanity site.” Now that Santa Teresa (our 40 foot wooden sailboat) has found a home in San Diego Bay, and I’ve settled down working with my childhood congregation, the Canyon View Church of Christ, it’s time to reformat our website and this is my blog.

Jan and I live in San Diego and celebrate the joy of life together. I am the pulpit preacher for the Canyon View Church of Christ (you can hear my sermons here) and we have four grown children, five grandchildren, two cats (Phoebe and Lucky) and one mess of a terrier-dachshund named “Charlie.”   Some people believe Christians are basically boring people but I haven’t found that to be true. I think life is to be an adventure and it should be spelled with a capital “L” but you’ll learn more about that as you follow my stories. I hope you have fun and are challenged as you read.
